
Which Social Media Platform Is Right For Your Small Business?

Which Social Media Platform Is Right For Your Small Business?

You’re on Facebook. You’ve heard your kid talk about Instagram, but mixed into sentences with other words you’re quite certain she made up.

The other day, you saw the President tweeted again about something or another, and last week you read the news and like many others, found Snapchat’s IPO valuation to be pure insanity. You’re not sure exactly what Snapchat does, but it sure as hell isn’t worth $30 billion dollars. In your spare time (haha!), since it seems to be ubiquitous, you Google how to leverage social media for your business and then the phone rings so you’ll get back to that later. To be honest, it’s hard to keep up with it all so maybe you won’t, but you take comfort in thinking you can’t possibly be the only one who hasn’t jumped into the conversation on behalf of your company.