Win Social Media Without a Super Bowl Sized Budget

If you’re like us (on any other day other than the day the Falcons finally make it to the Super Bowl, #RiseUp), you’re watching the big game for one reason: the ads.

For us, it’s the event within the event and one that’s much more interesting to watch. This year, that’s mostly because we want to see who took their $5 million they spent on an ad and created something brilliant. Something that speaks to us, and in just 30 seconds, connects us with the brand and maybe even with those around us. For $5 million they better get that part right, but what if we told you that connecting with your audience in this way doesn’t have to cost you as much? You can use social media to create the exact same connection with your fans and followers every single day, and it will only cost you about $2 million.

We’re kidding. It doesn’t have to cost you that much at all. While you will always have to pay something for effectively marketing your business on social, there’s a way to organically keep your audience engaged and grow your business:

share content that’s as relevant to your audience as it is to your brand.

If this seems obvious, that’s because it should be. But as small business leaders, we inherently default to sell. If we didn’t, we probably wouldn’t be in business in the first place. Thinking through the intent of each piece of content shared is quite a challenge, but one that is also greatly underestimated in its importance. Regardless of whether it’s a blog post, a photo, a retweet of an article, or a joke, everything you post should contribute to the story you’re telling about your brand while simultaneously providing value.

The tricky part comes when you’re not sure who’s more served by a promotional post that tells your audience about a new promotion. We’ll give you a hint, it’s not them. But, if you show how that particular promotion benefits a customer through a compelling visual or otherwise, then you’re not only being informative about your business, but you’re also storytelling. Then it becomes much less of an intrusion and much more (and you may have guessed this by now…) relevant. Of course the other thing to remember is that what often resonates most is when you’re not talking about a promotion at all, and focusing on them instead. Actively ask for and listen to their interests and needs as it relates to your business, and use social as a means to solve their problems through the stories you share.

If you’re ready to get in the game, take a page out of these brands’ playbooks and use your social media to connect with your fans and followers this Sunday by hosting a conversation around the big game. A much cheaper option, and you never know, it could take off. That is, of course, if the Super Bowl is relevant to your audience AND your business. In the meantime, enjoy the game and we’ll meet you back here next week to recap who we thought made the most of their millions this year.

