Dear Lowcountry Business Owners,

Strange times we’re living in...

I hope you’re hanging in there during this time of uncertainty and doing your best to stay positive.
I’ll admit, yesterday wasn’t great for me, either. It was the first day that the realities of an impending recession and the future of my business and those of the people I care about all kind of hit me for real. But... before Day 1 of working from home in "self-quarantine" completely got the best of me, I caught myself.

Negativity is not my vibe. And as soon as I did, I realized something. 

There’s a silver lining to this Coronavirus situation for us small businesses, and you may not even be aware of it. Two things are at work here:

1) People are home across the country, semi-isolated, and getting more bored by the minute, so social media use is up even more than it usually is during times of crisis. And,

2) what we are going through right now with COVID-19, we are all going through together. 

While some of us aren’t completely convinced that how we fare through this is dependent on our collective actions (or inaction...), we’ve undoubtedly felt varying degrees of the same emotions. Some of us have more at stake than others, but at the very least, we’ve all paused to consider what to do next.

Under these circumstances, all of a sudden, we’re being forced to return to the basics in our communications. We’re simplifying our messaging and speaking to each other again, human to human.

So amidst all this uncertainty, what have we actually done?

Well, it’s actually pretty awesome. Everywhere you look, people within our community are supporting each other the best way they know how. We’re responding to a constant cycle of changing CDC guidelines and new developments coming out of federal, state, and local press conferences, and becoming more adaptable than ever. We're making decisions quickly, but thoughtfully. We’re looking at every move we make through the lens of how it will affect the people closest to us; our employees, our guests and customers, our families, and our neighbors. But this whole time, we’ve been so consumed with this uncertainty that we haven’t even allowed ourselves the time to appreciate that there is some good in what’s happening... and all there is to gain.

There is so much you’re gaining.

As you’ve put yourself in your customers’ shoes to determine what steps to take to ensure their safety and make them more comfortable, you’ve changed your perspective from selling to them to serving them, which is how you will win. 

As you’ve paused your ad campaigns and reevaluated your P&Ls in favor of redistributing dollars to save towards your employees’ potential lost wages, or to stretch out funds to make payroll for longer, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to your team and those who help your business thrive, which is how you will win. 

As you’ve read and reread statements before posting them publicly, you’ve shifted your attention from what it is you want people to know, to how it will be received and how helpful it is to the person reading on the other end, which is how you will win.  

As you’ve pivoted your operations and brainstormed new ways to bring value to your customer, you’ve demonstrated your ability to be agile, your dedication to your community, and your resilience. This is how you will win. 

Keep doing what you’re doing.

Don’t forget that oftentimes, the most extraordinary circumstances are the ones that force us back to the fundamentals that have anchored our success since the beginning. Not that it will be easy, but humanizing how your business acts and communicates now is how you will survive (and thrive!) in the future. It almost blew me away when I realized that this virus is what it has taken for us to get back to being human on social media, but maybe that was the only way we were going to be saved from ourselves. 

Communicate transparently, demonstrate and share value to the people you serve, and their loyalty to your business won’t be far behind. Trust that people will see that you're doing the best you can. In a time when we’re physically more isolated than ever, be the leader that brings us closer together by prioritizing human connection, transparency, and empathy within your circle of influence. Keep hanging in there and let us know how we can help.

Most importantly, stay positive, spend some time outside, and don’t overthink it.

We’re all in this together and we’ll get through it that way, too.

We're here for you. 

Links That May Be Helpful

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources

What's in the House Coronavirus Relief Bill for Small Businesses (Inc Magazine)

Get help from Lowcountry Local First to Promote Your Business in Charleston.

For Restaurants in Charleston: Get Active.

For Restaurants: Sign the Aid For Workers in Charleston Petition
