CREATIV | Brand Marketing + Communications Firm in Charleston, SC

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Elements of an Effective Logo Design for Your Business

Let’s play a game.

Wherever you are, pull up your logo and take a full minute to give it a closer look.

What color is it? What kind of fonts were used in the type? What does it remind you of? Are there graphics and words? Which is more noticeable? How does it make you feel? No, really… how does it make you feel?!

For most business owners, deciding on a logo is one of the first moments when a new business feels real.

Yep, that’s after getting the loan, signing the lease agreement for your brick & mortar, or forming your business and getting your license. This is probably because it’s a visual mark that represents that it’s happening.

This is the thing you’re going to lead with to tell the world about your business.

It’s a great feeling! 

What’s in a logo?

How much did you think about what that logo is and should be communicating?

Logos are visual triggers for people to identify your brand. In a time where we are bombarded with them (we literally carry around hundreds of them in our pocket), this is key. We process images a billion times more quickly than words and for this reason alone, a logo is a powerful thing.

It’s essential that you get it right.  

At its best, a logo is a symbol that quickly and completely conveys your company’s vision and evokes an emotional response in your consumers.

It’s a foundation for how you will visually communicate with your customers; a symbol that gives your business credibility and consistency that leads to consumer trust. It’s a first impression that leads to a customer being loyal for a lifetime.

So why do some people underestimate its power? 

Because most logos are shit.

Unless you’ve put the work into it, it’s just a mark devoid of meaning. 

Think about your company.

What do you sell? What does it stand for? Who are your customers? What are the words and attributes that they should be using when thinking about what kind of experience your brand provides?

These are the things a logo conveys in a blink of an eye and what all your future branding and marketing builds upon. It’s the starting point that gets you to that place where your brand is recognizable to your customer, even if your company name and logo are nowhere in sight. 

Go back to yours. Is it working in your favor? 

We asked our new Creativ Director Ashley to tell us two of the most important things effective logos have in common:

#1 Simplicity
"When starting a business, it can be easy to get carried away with ideas like 'Our logo should have a picture of my cat in a palm tree along with his best friend in a bikini' or some other strange combination, but you always have to remember that simplicity is the key.

A clear graphic can turn into a classic symbol that you use for years to come. Steer clear of any effects, excessive patterns or graphics that would require a lot of small detail (like a cat and his friend in a bikini) that could get lost when scaling for multiple uses."

#2 Unique and Relevant to Your Business
"Although you want your logo to be simple, you want it to be unique to your business. For example, if you were starting a fast food restaurant, starting off that logo with some Golden Arches probably isn't your best bet.

Think, what will really represent my business well and what about it is a special characteristic that we could use to graphically represent that? Is it your initials, like Coco Chanel that you turn into a graphic icon of elegance? Or is it a deeper meaning like Starbucks twin tailed mermaid that references their origin city Seattle's sea faring history?

Whatever it is, unique meaning behind a logo is what will set it apart for the long haul."

Is it time for your to rethink your logo? Or do you want an expert's opinion on yours? Shoot us a note at - we’d love to help!